Guide: Spa Cover Measurement

Ensure a precision fit for your new custom spa cover using this handy step-by-step instruction guide. All you need is a tape measure, pen & paper, and maybe a carpenter square. Let's get started!
Pro Measuring Tips:
Measure the old hot tub Cover if:
- Cover hasn't warped or distorted since purchase
- You like the way the old cover fits
Measure the spa Shell if:
- Cover is missing or fits poorly
- Cover is warped, sagging, or distorted
More Tips:
- Reading a tape measure is easier with a helper
- Manufacturing tolerance is ± ¾"
- Covers 1-2" oversize tend to fit well vs. too small
Choose Your Cover Shape:

4-Sided Spas:

1. Measuring Length & Width:
- Measure widest outer edge of spa shell/cover
- Length & Width inches are rounded UP
- Center hinge folds your "A" dimension in half
- Square (equal length & width) - fold is not an issue
- Rectangle (unequal length & width) - cover usually folds away from keypad (long side folds in half)
- Small variances (i.e. 84"x85") are likely square

2. Measuring Corner Curve:
- Use a carpenter square to measure corner radius of cover or widest part of actual shell corner rim
- Where the corner curve touches the inch marks of the square is the radius
- Round radius DOWN - a smaller number always fits a larger curve
- NOTE: Squared corners have a 0” radius

3. Measuring the cover Skirt Length:
- Measure skirt down from cover seam
- Or measure exposed spa shell lip plus about ½"
- Round skirt length UP to the nearest whole inch
- All straps extend about 4” below length of skirt
- New strap latches supplied - OEM position varies
Round Hot Tubs:

1. Measuring Diameter:
- Measure widest outer edge of spa shell/cover
- Outside diameter is rounded UP to nearest inch
- Cover is for perfect circle only - no oblong or oval

2. Measuring the cover Skirt Length:
- Measure skirt down from cover seam
- Or measure exposed spa shell lip plus about ½"
- Round skirt length UP to the nearest whole inch
- All straps extend about 4” below length of skirt
- New strap latches supplied - OEM position varies
8-Sided Spas:

1. Measuring Length & Width:
- Info goes into a CAD drawing for your approval
- Measure widest outer edge of spa shell/cover
- Length & width inches are rounded UP
- Center hinge folds your "A" dimension in half
- Equal Octagon has same dimensions all sides - fold orientation isn't an issue
- 4 Cut Corners has longer sides - cover usually folds away from keypad (long side folds in half)
- Small variances (i.e. 84"x85") are likely equal

2. Measuring Cut Corners:
- Measure rounded corners from center of curve
- Round cut corner inches DOWN - a smaller number will always fit over a longer corner

3. Measuring the cover Skirt Length:
- Measure skirt down from cover seam
- Or measure exposed spa shell lip plus about ½"
- Round skirt length UP to the nearest whole inch
- All straps extend about 4” below length of skirt
- New strap latches supplied - OEM position varies