I had a small but consistant leak in my Spa. The Spa leak Sealer worked great. No more water mark atound the base of the Spa, and no water level change in 5 days so far.
Had used Fix-a-Leak which had always worked, but decided to try something new. Did not work so I went back to Fix-a-Leak and it worked right away even though the formulas are supposed to be the same?
I've used 'Fix-a-leak' and it worked okay, but had to drain and refill the hot tub, and it started leaking again a few months later. This stuff completely stopped the leak without have to drain/refill my hot tub. Hope it holds up for longer.
worked great. I had a leak where I couldn't get to it and this has plugged it up completely
Every time, I drain and refill my spa, it develops a significant leak, curried deep within the foam. I usually use Marling's Fix a Leak, which usually takes a couple fo days and multiple doses to seal the leak.
Spa Depot now had their own product, so purchased it along with a number of items for my winter spa prep. The first thing I noticed was that it was much thinner than Fix a Leak, and I wasn't sure if it would work as well. I flowed the directions, and shut the tub down for a day. Within 24 hours of the single application, my spa was free of leaks and has been for over three weeks.
Spa Depot Spa Leak Filler will be my new go-to for spa leaks.