Worked as expected. Easy install other than where the incoming feed was landed with 6 gauge 240v. Super tight... it could benefit by giving another inch or two of room to maneuver the wiring around.
Kit included everything; even parts you didn't know you needed. Easy to install, except for the 240v supply wiring. The space leading to the terminals was too small to get 4 #6 wires in. Works great.
Overall I found it relatively easy to hook up. There are a couple of things I prefer my old Baja controller. The blower on the EasyPak only comes with one speed, and I liked having two speeds on my old one. I also used to be able to dim my spa lights to three different levels of brightness, but on the EasyPak it's either on or off.
Installed this in my dimension one spa. Had to do some simple modifications of the tub cabinet but the control unit worked perfectly. Very easy to install and hook up. Instructions were great.